Easygoing 718


1692 heavy snow the other day

heavy snow on tuesday.⛄

I got a call from a friend.📞

”I feel sick from eating too much."🍚🍚🍚🍚🍚

"I threw up many times."😱

I trid to hurry to my friend's  house .🚴

IT subsided a few hours.😊

I went home in the heavy snow.⛄

2am the call came agein ”I threw up again."📞

I went to my friend's house again.🚴

But I could only go halfway by bicycle.✖❢❢😢

So I took the taxi on the way.🚕

I can ride it if the snow is stell  soft but the ruts and footprints become hardened,

I can't ride.🌀💦🙅

My friend recovered on that day.💐🎊😃

It was good.😄🎵